Sunday, August 9, 2009

From the mouths of babes...

Today on our train ride home from church, Chris and I were talking and the subject came up about a friend of the family who has just gone through a messy divorce and now has a girlfriend. Abby, who is always in the know, piped up saying, "But isn't he married?" Chris and I look at each other and not wanting to go into too much detail say, "Well... he was but he got divorced." Then little Abby says, "Why did they get divorced?" After hemming and hawing a little bit, I say, "They had problems." So matter of factly, she interjects, "Doesn't everyone have problems?"

A little while later the conversation turned to Hannah babysitting for another family in the ward tonight and Alex says that he doesn't like it when Hannah babysits them because she is mean. We got a big kick out of that and Chris says, "You mean, that she acts like a parent?" All the kids agree wholeheartedly with this and then we say something to the effect that the kids need more structure in their lives. Abby then says to Chris, "You don't hardly ever act like a parent! You act more like a big brother!"

We bought a watermelon in Italy and brought it home with us because they don't have good watermelon here. As we were walking into our house, Chis tells the kids that it needs to be eaten for lunch before it goes bad. Alex wails, "I don't like watermelon!" Disgustedly Chris says, "Why not?" Alex cries, "Cause it tastes like water!"

When we were in Italy, we were talking about what we were planning for the next day and Alex asks Chris, "Are we going back to the 'broken place' tomorrow?" He was referring to the Roman Forum.


Erika said...

Ha, kids are so funny! I love all the crazy things they think up. Although I have to agree with Abby...Chris is just like a kid. He probably wont ever grow up! ;) And you know, I actually bought a good watermelon here yesterday. First one I've had. You probably just don't know how to pick them. hehe, jk!

Lisa said...

Love it all!

Anonymous said...

yes maybe your kids are going to surpass chriss in maturity some day :) they are getting so wise!

Kristal said...

I think the kids have already surpassed Chris in maturity:)