Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Don't ya hate it when birds block traffic?

I was riding my trusty bike to work this morning when I saw these swans casually crossing an intersection. Being surrounded by waterways it is not surprising that there are water birds EVERYWHERE! Taking the kids to school in the mornings, I often see a couple of swans and recently they have been joined with their 2 babies. On the way to work, I usually see a couple of cranes many, many ducks including weird ones with a pointy beek (I am having a brain fart, how do you spell beek? I know that is not right, oh well, you will get over it) and usually, more swans among other animals. There are also rabbits everywhere. When we walk to the store we pass this grassy area on the side of a building with a few bushes. We have seen rabbits hop along in the grass many times. You would think that living in the city would be different. We see more wildlife every day that I think we saw the whole time we lived in Eagle Mountain. Really cool actually.

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