Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A nice walk to work

This morning we all bundled up before heading off to school. It was -8° C this morning which is the coldest it has been since we got here. Utah gets that low every year but there is definatly a difference between the dry cold in Utah and the humid cold of the Netherlands. Although it was cold, there was no wind so the walk was nice. The kids' school is only a couple blocks from our new home which is great because they now come home for lunch.

After dropping the kids off, I headed to work. From our old home, it took me about 12 minutes to ride my bike the 4 kilometers. Now we are exactly 1 kilometer and it was a 10 minute walk if I walk slowly. Amazingly, we have the really cold weather but the skies are clear and the sun is now poking up out of the horizon. I think most of you know by now that seeing the sun is a rare occurrence so when it happens, you notice.

I will normally still ride my bike to work but last night I left my bike at work and caught a ride with a coworker to my old home to rearrange some furniture and do a little cleaning. It is great actually being close enough to work that I can walk when needed, I have never been in that situation.

On a side note, it looks like we will not have internet in our new home until 15 January so our Utah phone numbers and Skype will not work and Kristal and the family will not be able to check internet. I thought it was going to be working yesterday but no such luck.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'm glad you told us that the internet isn't working there yet because i almost called kristal this morning, then i thought i'd wait til tomorrow. now i know to wait a while longer :) it must be wonderful to be that close to the schools and work!