Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Some pictures from today

On this mornings walk to work I passed a high school that has a canal running by it which is frozen over. Some kids were taking advantage of this playing foot hockey with a pop can. This is from a distance because I just took it while waiting to cross a street at an intersection. Be sure to click on the pictures to view them full size.
Another one of kids playing hockey on the canal.
Since the canals are frozen over, in the rare spots that it is not frozen, the ducks and swans and other water fowl tend to congregate.
Click on the picture to see the seagulls enjoying were the water is frozen just standing around.
These pictures were taken from a small bridge I cross while riding to my old home. I rode there during lunch today to meet the landlord since we are getting ready to hand over the keys.


Lisa said...

Cool. When are you guys coming home? Errrr...back to Utah? I miss you guys. A. Lot.

Kristal said...

If we only knew...oh, how I miss hanging out with you in my messy kitchen...